What’s All This WOW Business?
Posted on April 26th, 2012

A few people have been asking us to explain the new ‘WOW’ feature in Hively so we thought we’d just make it a post in case others out there have the same questions. First – what’s a WOW? You know those times you go the extra mile for a customer? Well now they can let […]
Read More...Hively Upgrade: The ‘WOW’ Release
Posted on April 19th, 2012

We’re very excited to reveal the new version of Hively we have titled the ‘WOW’ Release. This release was almost completely based on customer feedback (thank you so much!) and system data. Read on to learn about all the improvements and new features now available in Hively. First, the ‘WOW’ What’s a WOW? You know […]
Read More...5 Tips for Using Customer Feedback to Change Company Behavior
Posted on April 5th, 2012

Knowing when and how to properly gather customer feedback is imperative for any successful Business. However, acting on this feedback and using it to influence your company internally is even more important. Properly implementing a closed loop feedback system can dramatically improve every aspect of your company from the products you sell, to how you […]
Read More...Gamifying Customer Satisfaction
Posted on March 29th, 2012

The gamification of customer satisfaction is a hot topic right now. A few weeks back, CRM Analyst Lauren Carlson wrote a post on Software Advice about the idea of companies like UseVoice adding gaming elements to their help desk software. The article titled, Gamification, The Key to Preventing Support Area Burnout, focuses on how adding […]
Read More...New York Times Article: When Businesses Can’t Stop Asking, ‘How Am I Doing?’
Posted on March 20th, 2012

Last week it was great to read an article in The New York Times about customer satisfaction surveys. The article discusses how companies are bombarding their customers with surveys in an effort to gauge customer satisfaction. However, it’s actually having the opposite effect as response rates are dropping dramatically. The frequent requests to fill out these surveys, […]
Read More...Delta Airlines Needs Hively for Measuring Customer Satisfaction
Posted on February 14th, 2012

Last week I was traveling and witnessed an interesting customer service experience happen while flying on Delta. While boarding my plane in San Diego, a man walked on to the plane and asked a flight attendant if he could get a customer comment card. The flight attendants response? “What for?” The man paused a bit […]
Read More...How to Ensure Your Team’s Success With Hively
Posted on January 31st, 2012

Recently, one of our new customers sent us a simple but excellent question about Hively. The question: “What’s the best way to ensure my team’s success with Hively?” We thought it was an excellent question and sounded like a great blog topic for us to jump on. So here you go. Here are 10 suggestions on […]
Read More...New in Hively: Customer Happiness and Team Performance Reporting, and Direct Customer Feedback Requests
Posted on January 12th, 2012

Today we released some new features in Hively. There are several new features we think you’ll be excited about. Hively now has customer happiness and team performance reporting, as well as direct customer feedback requests. Customer Happiness and Team Performance Graphs and Trends. Team leaders now have the ability to see graphs and trends for all customer […]
Read More...Service Counts!
Posted on January 6th, 2012

Does bad customer service drive you crazy? That’s a question so popular that CNBC has turned it into a tv show. Check out this clip for ‘Customer (Dis)service. What do you think? Are companies out there getting the message that paying attention to customer satisfaction is critical to their success?
Read More...Top Business Resolution for 2012: Improved Customer Happiness
Posted on January 3rd, 2012

Does your business have big plans for 2012? Hopefully 2011 treated you well and helped you prepare for 2012. Do you have any resolutions for your business in this new year? If so, we’d guess some of those items might include: Increase revenue Gain new customers Move office space Create employee incentive plan Stop eating […]