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Hively Feature Announcement: Inferface changes

Posted on November 20th, 2019

The next time you log into Hively you’ll notice that a few things have changed. Most notably:

  • The main menu has moved to a fixed position on the left of the screen.
  • The two column layout that was used on most pages has been replaced with a simpler single column layout.
  • The pie charts on the Leaderboard have been replaces with bar charts.
  • The new layout uses the full width of the screen on the more detailed pages such as those that include tables.
  • The ‘Add & Remove Members’ menu item has been renamed ‘Manage Users’. This is a small change, but given the importance of the page we thought it was worth mentioning to save you from hunting around for it!

Change can take a little time to adjust to but we hope that you find these changes improve your day to day experience with Hively. We’d encourage you to read through the overview sections at the top of many of the pages as you might find that you can benefit from a feature that you had previously overlooked.

Over the next few months we’ll be focusing on refining existing features, so if there’s a bugbear or suggestion you have that’s in keeping with the theme of simplifying and improving Hively’s internals, we’d love to hear about it!

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