More control over required fields
Posted on March 21st, 2017
Previously, setting fields in Hively as optional or required was an all-or-nothing choice. The Name, Email and Comment fields were either required for all rating types (Happy, Satisfied and Unhappy), or were optional for all. This has now changed so that each field can individually be set to optional or required for each rating type for all customers on paid plans. For Wows however, raters are still required to leave a Name, Email and Comment.
So for example, you may be happy for your customers to just click the Happy smiley, but want to know more if their rating is Satisfied or Unhappy. In that case, you could make the Comment field mandatory for Unhappy and Satisfied ratings, but optional for Happy ratings.
The default is still for all fields to be optional, but this can be changed as follows:
- Log in to Hively as an Administrator of your account.
- Select Customization from the main menu.
- Under Required Fields, click the smileys for each rating type that would like the Name Email and Comment fields to be mandatory for.
- Click Update.
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